Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Not Impossible

So this past week we received a problem from Mr. Omo, in the middle school.  The specifications for his problem is that water needs to be moved from a fish pond to a grow bed 24 inches above the pond.  Currently he is using a pump to do this, but he is asking us to figure out a solution without using a pump.  When proposing this idea to Mr. Blake he gave us a not very reassuring, "Good Luck!".  Well I researched it online and found that a couple of high school kids from California have accomplished moving water uphill.  I'm not going to say, "In your face Mr. Blake" because the design looks a bit complicated for us regular physics students.  This design features two wheels which carry water and a bunch of hoses and buckets.  I'm hoping that we can pull something off similar to this.  I recently e-mailed Mr. Omo asking him  if he had time to organize a personal interview so that we could physically see the problem.  This is a picture of the geniuses who came up with this idea.  Hopefully we can work something out like this.

1 comment:

  1. I will say it! In my face. Great job and good luck to you in your journey
