As I look at the list that me and my group members made, all of these problems were problems that we all agreed on, and I was amazed on how many problems there were around the school. Some of these problems are minor problems that can be fixed in a short time such as "irritating people," but others such as the bus fuel problem, can take years to figure out. These problems in the list below are just some of the ones that only our group came up with, there are numerous other problems that should be talked about but these that we as a group came up with were the main ones. Kamehameha Schools is the best school in the nation and possibly the world but yet it still has its flaws. We will try to identify the fixable problems and make them noticed. The student body is the best way to spot problems because teachers or faculty aren't in our seat and can't see what a normal day is like in a students perspective. Our goal is to help make Kamehameha a better place than it already is which is going to be hard, but we're out here to try. We have a wide range of problems and will condense them to hit the big ones.
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