Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bug List

Here's the quick Bug List that our group came up with. A lot of the topics on our list are seemingly random, but there are a few things on our list that we think can really make a difference on our campus. 

-We have to wear lanyards even though they are pointless
-We don’t have solar panels to power our campus
-We don’t grow our own fruits and vegetables on campus
-We don’t take field trips
-We are not project based
-We have a lot of land on campus that is unused (past Keana Ka Mano by Main Gate)
-Strict rules
-Not like college
-Dress code
-Traffic/parking situations
-We should have more freedom, and practice time management
-Not enough real-life application to lessons
-Hailama, Mrs Martin, Traffic court lady
-unnecessary number of campus security guards (most are idle for majority of the school day)
-Claim that we need budget cuts, yet spent over a million dollars on laptops that were not completely necessary
-Repaving roads that keep getting repaved
-Internet restrictions
-No Student Support Center up at Konia
-Make Bus Terminal nicer
-School spending money on pointless things instead of things we need
-We should create our own energy to power our hallway lights at night, our classroom lights, our ac.
-We should go out into the community to learn and do projects
-Student rights
-More school improvement meetings
-Relaxed dress code for prom
-Relaxed dress code for free dress with stricter rules for inappropriate attire
-More emphasis on certain school groups (performing arts groups)
-Water efficient toilets, bathrooms
-Paper-less hand driers in the bathrooms
-Bio-diesel buses, using veggie oil from `Akahi-`Akahi waste
-More food selections at lunch
-Serve breakfast to non-borders (to go? bagels and smoothies :)
-Cleaner bathrooms
-Lunch (sandwich bar) on Konia Field
-More emphasis on recycling bins for bottles/cans
-SENIOR PRIVELAGES (senior lounge)
-No sitting in the hallways in mornings/afternoons (ahem, JUNIORS)
-More seating around Konia field for students to hang out in mornings/afternoons
-Irritating people
-Online courses throughout the year
-Using the heater in the pool rather than letting swimmers freeze to death

Nicole and I took a real liking to the topic of making the busses that we use at school bio-diesel. It makes a lot of sense to us to make this change to our busses because they're running all day long, and not only would it save a lot of money for the school, but it'd be healthier for the environment and we could use the leftover vegetable oil from Akahi to run the busses.

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