Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Huge Step Forward

Today/last night was a major success for my group members and me. It’s very hard to sum it all up in tonight’s blog post but I’ll try and explain it all. It all started from last night when I got a call from Tiare at around 8:30 at night saying how the Revolusun people (a local solar company) replied and want to meet us on campus THE NEXT DAY. We were all happy and it was kind of weird how they replied so quickly. It really seemed like they wanted to make a donation too. The next part was the hardest part when we were trying to get a hold of everybody to get cleared from periods 4 and 5. I had to ask 346721 people before I could get Nicole’s number so I could let her know what's going on. But what we really found useful was the chat on Google Docs. It basically saved the day because we could all chat and communicate with each other and as well as Mr. Blake on what’s happening and what we were going to do the next day such as getting cleared from our classes and who to email and communicate with before this Revolusun guy came and visited. Once we got everything organized and set up for today, we were set and happy. When we all met after period 3 to meet the Revolusun guy, we were all excited and anxious to see how he could help us. When we met him, his name was Alan and he sounded just as excited and anxious to help us as well which was a very good thing. Any type of donation from them would be awesome. We explained to Alan that we needed some sort of solar panel that could power a pump that needs up to 56 watts to work and also we would need a 24 volt batter to power that motor for up to 3 days so it can still pump water during no sun days or cloudy/rainy days. We also talked to Alan about how else we could improve this project. Some of the things he was saying were to raise the power lines from and to the solar panels so there not on the ground because the cooler things are the more efficient they are. Also he mentioned the tilt of the solar panel and which way it should face. It should usually be at a 20-degree tilt towards the south or wherever the sun is facing so it can catch as much sun as possible. There are lots of things that Alan, Mr. Omo and Mr. Blake talked about but I wont be able to fit it all on here. There was so much information that was gathered today it seemed ridiculous because we never thought we would get this far as a group so early. Basically all we have to do now is wait till Tuesday when we can talk to Mr. Kamalu about all of the numbers involving this solar panel so we can get it to Alan and Mr. Blake asap to figure out how the people at Revlolusun can help us! (Because they really seem to want to) I know this blog post was a lot of information and kind of all over the place but I hope you understood what happened today. If I missed any points I’m sure Nicole will cover them tomorrow. I will try and get the interview video up here and as well as pictures of today once they’re uploaded.

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